Saturday, November 19, 2016

What Teachers Can Be Thankful For On Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is upon us in a few days.  Once we get past Thanksgiving, December will start and the middle of the second nine weeks will be half over.  Before long....Exams will be here.

Here is a short article directed at teachers and items you can reflect upon to be thankful at the the time of Thanksgiving.

Questions to Consider:

1.  What are you thankful really think about it?  Better yet tell someone what you are thankful for.

2.  One of the items listed in the article is the internet or social media, what does that mean to you?  Are you using those resources to the extent that you are thankful for them?

3.  Co-Workers...What a great resource for encouragement and content.  Use your co-workers for words of encouragement, to help answers questions or just to have someone to listen to you.

Thank you for your work at PHHS.


  1. Being in my fourth year of teaching, I am beyond thankful that I work in a school where the staff and administrators are constantly supporting one another. I LOVE waking up (well, maybe not at 6:00am) and coming to PH because I know I not only have a great group of kids, but an even greater staff to make me feel at home. This thanksgiving will be the first I will host and I'm thankful I have the opportunity to relieve my family for once! I'm thankful in relation to social media so I can keep in touch with everyone, and also GOOGLE! I am beyond thankful for Google. It saves my life! Enjoy your holidays!

  2. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. Appreciated.
