Saturday, November 12, 2016

Complicated or Complex- Problem Solving

I came across this blog while reading on  This is a featured post that she was discussing on her website.

Read the article here

The article is from Robert Kaplinsky consulting.  This author is comparing problem solving in our students.  Specifically examining if a problem is either complicated or complex.

It really is an interesting article.  Please read it and think about these questions.

Questions to Consider:

1.  The author uses a couple of examples to think about the words complex and complicated.  Do either of those explanation have any connection to how you may think about problem solving in your classroom?

2.  Have you ever heard of the CUBES method to problem solving?  How about the problem solving framework?

3.  Check out the problem solving framework, could you use that in discussion in your classroom?  Is that something you could work with your students on it being part of their thinking?

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