Sunday, March 11, 2018

Personalized Learning- Student Voice

Student voice is a major part of personalizing learning for our students.  Many of you provide students with great feedback regarding products they create for you.  I try to provide you with feedback through the evaluation process.  Allowing students to provide us feedback through activities designed to give us information that will allow us to shape instruction or other processes we use to better serve our students.  Here is a survey students take to provide information to their teachers about their learning and progress

YouthTruth is a non-profit that collects information from young people across an array of topics.  Here is a page describing some wide-ranging findings with regard to preparedness after high school.  Check out the resources at the bottom of the linked page. 

Questions To Consider:

1.  How do you provide students feedback?  How do you allow students to give you feedback?

2.  Think about the questions that would really make you think about your practices in your classroom, what would you ask students for their thoughts on?

3.  What questions could you ask students to help you personalize their learning?

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