Saturday, October 28, 2017

Rick Wormeli- Growth Mindset

Here is Rick Wormeli.  Mr. Wormeli is someone that we have looked at before.  We might have even looked at this video before.

Below you see the break down of what he talks about in this video.  Though I share many of his views, I feel he could more eloquently share his thoughts.   Even though, it is worth a watch as we move into our further discussions of a growth mindset and mastery learning.

Don't be offended by his words if they vary from yours.  That is not my intention.  I want you to hear what he says about growth mindset.

Growth Mindset discussion minutes 2-6
Discussion of redos/retakes minutes 6-9

1.  He uses the phrase (paraphrasing) "We will not put that (apathetic) student in charge of their own learning."  What does that mean to you?  Can you think of a student like that?

2.  Mr. Wormeli talks interestingly about the phrase "failure is not an option."  What do you think about that?

3.  How do redos and retakes play into the growth mindset?

Friday, October 20, 2017

Mindset Quiz and Student Resource

Wonder about your mindset?

Here is a quiz that you can take.  It doesn't have many questions.  When you are done with the first page, click the yellow arrow in the bottom right to get to the next page.

You will get some information about your mindset after the questions.

Here is a resource you can use with your students if you would like.

Questions to consider:

1.  Did your results surprise you?  Are you interested in exploring the growth mindset more?
2.  What other resources do you have about mindset?  Feel free to share them in the comments for this week.
3.  How could you use the student hand out?  What kinds of discussions would it start?

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Say Something Week


This week we will be participating in "Say Something Week."  You have been emailed the links for the videos on Tuesday and Thursday for PATS.  You have also received some information to read during PATS on Monday. 

Here is their website with more information.

Here is a quick video that is an overview of the program.

Questions to consider:

1.  What questions might you follow up with on one of these days?
2.  How much discussion would you want to have with students about these topics?  You should prepare for those conversations.  Feel free to refer students to the school counselors.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Growth vs Fixed Mindset

Growth vs Fixed Mindset

Here is a 5 min video to set the foundation for our beginning discussion on Wednesday about mindsets.

Here is a quick article written by Dr. Carol Dweck.

Questions To Consider:
1.  What do you believe to be the difference between a growth vs fixed mindset?  What do you think it is after watching the video?
2.  What does the video say about the learning style of someone with a growth mindset?
3.  The phrase "fail better" was mentioned a few times in this video.  What does that mean?  This would be a great discussion to heave with students.