Sunday, October 23, 2016

Redos-Do Overs- Dr. Wormeli

Feedback that I have gotten about this little blog is that you enjoy while I provide something thoughtful but not real lengthy.

I am going to apologize to begin with.  This week I am presenting a Youtube video from Dr. Rick Wormeli.  Last week I blogged about some information from Dr. Wormeli about grading, homework and redos in the classroom.  This week, I want to let him talk with you about Redos.

Click here to see the video.  I am not going to give you some questions to think about.  I think what he says will cause some of you to say "this guy (including Josh for having us watch this) is a quack"  or "hey, this gives me a bit to think about."

I know a number of you employ the strategy of redos so that students can show you that they have mastered content.  The video clip is a sharing of some thoughts on redos.  My intent is not for you to employ all these techniques but only for you to hear a bit about his level of thinking on this.  If you can pick up an idea here or there, to improve what you do...then that is a positive.

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