Saturday, October 15, 2016

14 Tips About Redos From Dr. Rick Wormeli

Dr. Rick Wormeli is an educator that speaks often about grading and standards based grading.  Here is a bio for Dr. Wormeli.

Rick Wormeli is one of the first Nationally Board Certified teachers in United States, is an American educator, national educational consultant, and author. Wormeli has taught math, science, English, physical education, health and history for over 20 years. He was the recipient of Disney's American Teacher Awards 1996 Outstanding English Teacher of the Nation.[1] His work in middle school instruction is considered by many to be the defining work in that subject. He writes regular columns for the National Middle School Association's Middle Ground magazine [2] and ASCD.[3]

Source: Wikipedia

Click here to see "14 Classroom Tips For Redos"

Questions to consider:

1.  Pick your two favorite numbers between 1 and 14.  Read them in the linked article above.  Or click here to see the article.

2.  Can you incorporate any of those ideas you just looked at?  Do you already do so?  Would any of these ideas be new/ridiculous/not ever going to happen in your classroom?

3.  Pick the two numbers you least like between 1 and 14 and read those on the linked article.

4.  Can you incorporate any of those ideas you just looked at?  Do you already do so?  Would any of these ideas be new/ridiculous/not ever going to happen in your classroom?

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