Saturday, January 30, 2016

If They'd Only Do Their Work!

We will be viewing sections of an article in the Educational Leadership magazine put out by ASCD.  The title of the article is If They'd Only Do Their Work.  The article examines homework, motivation and research behind why students don't do homework.  It is a rather long article.  I will break it up into a few different blog posts with some questions.  Click here to read the section for this post.

Here is the link to the article:'d-Only-Do-Their-Work!.aspx

Questions to consider:
1.  How does the following, research backed,  quote relate to you or your classroom?  "Students who do best in school are often those most adept at figuring out what the teacher wants (McCombs & Whisler, 1997).'
2. The article talks about students working across grade levels. How does that happen in our building? What other ways could it happen?
3. "Collaboration is Key" What ways do we allow for collaboration for adults in our building? What are some new/different ways we can do that?

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