Sunday, January 17, 2016

Encouraging Innovation

I came across this article on the ASCD website about innovative thinking in the classroom.  It was a quick read that made me think about a few things.  Below are the innovative thinking tips for the different content areas.

To me, innovation in another way of thinking about solving problems.  It is becoming more and more important that students leave us being able to solve problems in the real world...common sense.

Figure 1. The Innovation Process
Brainstorm possible needs or problems and ways to respond.
  1. Evaluate ideas to decide which idea is most worth pursuing.
  2. Identify steps in the process to produce the modification or improvement.
  3. Identify enablers and disablers of the idea.
  4. Reflect on the results of the innovation in order to determine if it is complete or needs to be modified.
Figure 2. Innovation Activities Across Content Areas
  • Literacy
    • Create an innovation that would improve a character's life.
    • Create an innovative way to improve communication between two characters.
    • Develop an innovative way to solve the problem in the story.
    • Suggest an innovative way for the main character to take a risk.
  • Math
    • Determine an innovative way to remember math facts.
    • Design an innovative system of measurement.
    • Create an innovative way to demonstrate parallel operations using scale and manipulative.
    • Determine an innovative way to demonstrate place value.
  • Science
    • Identify an innovative way to reduce pollution.
    • Develop an innovative way to continue space exploration.
    • Determine an innovative solution to compensate for the loss of a sense.
    • Create an innovative space object using at least two characteristics.
  • Social Studies
    • Create an innovative solution to a problem in our community.
    • Describe an innovative solution to the concept of scarcity.
    • Create an innovative way to celebrate a national holiday.
    • Develop an innovative form of transportation that will be beneficial to society.

Questions to Consider:
1.  How important is innovation in the 21st century learner?
2.  Do you encourage innovation in your classroom, possibly without even thinking about it?
3.  Can you incorporate the ideas above in any way?

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