Friday, February 9, 2018

Personalize Learning-Personalize Communication

In some recent professional learning time, I started to do a deep dive into some of Alice Keeler's (@alicekeeler) recent tweets.  She has been tweeting about personalized learning last 4 or 5 days.

A few of the items she tweeted about are below.

Here is the neat thing about these two tweets.  These two resources are used in our building often.  The Science Simulations from PHET are used by all of the Science teachers.  Storyboard That is used regularly in the English Department.  Pretty cool.

As I was digging a bit more into her recent tweets I found something pretty cool.  She has developed a template for a personalized newsletter.  The personalization comes in the form of it being a newsletter made for an individual student.  Her templates and script make something like an individualized newsletter possible.  I thought this might be interesting to some of you.

I also thought this was interesting.  This is an example of how PE teachers, and other elective courses, could incorporate some personalized learning with Google.

Questions To Consider:
1.  What did you take away from February 5th personalized learning day?  Have you tried it yet?
2.  I was happy to see some shared resources already being utilized in the building.  Has that every happened to you?  Have you been listening to a presentation or saw something online and thought "I am a bit ahead of this curve?"
3.  Could you see yourself trying to utilize the personalized newsletter?  How could you give it a try on a smaller scale first?

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