Friday, January 27, 2017

Championship Lessons II

This week I decided that I would follow up the reading from Dabo Sweney and Clemson with an article that included a selection from Urban Meyer.  Though Urban Meyer has many people that doubt his style of leadership and direction, he is proven to be able to build relationships.  Those relationships have allowed him much success.

Urban Meyer wrote a book called Above The Line.  It is a book about his leadership style and philosophy.  Though not all of you are leaders of a team or group, you are the leader in your room for the 42 minutes you see your kids 7periods a day.

Here is an article about Urban Meyer's book about leadership.  It is a quick read.  The ending of the artilce outlines some main points of the book.

Questions To Consider:

1.  "Wining behavior will not thrive in a culture that doesn't support it." How do you create a "winning" culture in your classroom?  How can you support it?
2.  "Do whatever you can to reinforce someone's confidence."  Reinforcing confidence in a student is a great way to build relationships.  Think of a time that you helped reinforce someone's confidence, how did they react?  How did it feel to do so?
3.  "There are many distractions that pull leaders away from investing the time necessary to reflect on the issues and challenges facing their organizations."  What things have been nagging at you?  What may be happening in your classroom that you know needs addressed but you feel you just "don't have time to do so?" 

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