Sunday, April 3, 2016

Differentiation For Instruction

The information presented this week comes from the ASCD publication "Classroom Instruction That Works."

Click here to view part of an article that was published by John McCarthy called
"Mythbusting Differentiation: Solutions to Make Differentiation a Reality"

Questions to Consider:

1. The suggestion to teach students multiple note taking strategies and let them pick what one to use is very interesting.  Just last week I was in a post conference with a teacher and they were talking about this very practice.  How can you differentiate note taking in your classroom?

2.  What is growth mindset language?  That would be a great item to Google and read about.

3.  At the top end of learning "synthesizing."  Think about how you can have students generate and test hypotheses?  This seems easy in a science classroom but how about an English/Math/SS classroom?

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