Saturday, February 20, 2016

Differentiated PD???DI For Teachers?

Recently I was asked by High Schools To Work to write a short article about something that is going on at PHHS that I thought was innovative.  Right away I knew what I wanted to write about.  I can't stop smiling about our last full day PD.  Teacher driven, teacher delivered---hopefully teacher appreciated PD.  Teacher PD is most often (and sometimes even in OUR district) a one size fits all.  District leadership has heard your feedback in the past and has tried to make our PD time more useful for all of you.  A prime example was that "EdCamp" style day, where you picked the sessions you wanted to go to and learn about.  Designed by teachers and carried out by teachers....This takes me back to the title of this post....can we differentiate PD?  If you designed learning in your classroom in the manner that we all designed and created our last PD day....we would definitely call it differentiated.

Here are a few items to keep in mind that make PD like this possible.
1.  Teachers/Staff willing to share great practices
2.  The use of Public School Works to fulfill the mandated training that we don't have to spend time on in our PD days.

Here is the article that really got me thinking about this idea.  It comes from a great resource called edutopia.  I would suggest a follow on Twitter or Facebook if you use either for personal PD.

Questions to consider, or even respond in a comment to this post....
1.  Did the last full day PD fit your learning style?
2.  How would you make that better?
3.  Could you present the next time we do something like that?
4.  What types of sessions would you like to have but weren't available?

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