Sunday, November 15, 2015

Affective Teaching 7

For the next four or five blog posts I will focus on an article I read in Educational Leadership, a magazine published by ASCD (American Society of Curriculum Developers) about Highly Affective Teachers.  The Highly Affective Practices are designed to help teachers examine their individual emotional states and how that interacts with students.  Emotional states or wellness of students is a variable in our setting that often doesn't get discussed much.  As teachers/support staff we must be able to not only be content experts but experts in helping students deal with multiple life situations.  Here is the link to the whole article;

Click here to read about Affective Habit 7.

Here are a few questions to think about.
1.  Have you ever thought about having a colleague burst in to "share" needed information?  How do you think your students would react to that?
2.  How hard is it to have as much enthusiasm in the afternoon as you did in the morning?  How can you keep that moving forward?
3.  What do you think your students would create if you asked them to write a conversation between to punctuation marks?

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