Monday, September 14, 2015

Wait Time

We are in the business of asking questions.  We ask questions to our students, to our leaders and to the parents/guardians of our students.  Asking questions helps to gather feedback and information.  Previously this Blog has been written about feedback and its importance.  But we often ask questions that we are more than willing to answer ourselves and do so quickly.  Sometimes it is important to remember we are asking the question for a reason.  To find out what someone else knows.  In most cases, we know the answer and we want to know if others do.  Wait time is a struggle for educators.  It is good to be reminded of the importance of wait time.

Here is an article from Mary Laverty Bigelow .  The article is about wait time.

Here are some questions to consider:

1.  Do you have a method of ensuring you are waiting a sufficient time for answers?
2.  Do students recognize your wait time and help to clarify/rephrase questions in your room?
3.  How can "wait time" become a "game changer" in your classroom as the article mentioned?

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